Shaanxi province produced 46.84 million mt of coal in September, down 7.10% from a month ago. From January to September, it produced 371.90 million mt of raw coal, up by 4.29% from the previ
10-20-2014 09:03:08
Beijing will adopt a special air pollution control plan for Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) conference next month, with suspension of factories in the event of a pollution warning.
10-20-2014 09:02:13
According to China Coal Transport and Distribution Association, China produced 292 million mt of coal in September, decreased by 7.0% year on year, the sixth consecutive year-on-year decline
10-20-2014 09:00:16
China's largest oil and chemical equipment industrial park, the High-end Equipment Industrial Park of Lanzhou Lanshi Group Co., Ltd., was put into operation on October 14. It is the first ma
10-20-2014 08:32:14
Rubber prices remained declining and would probably hit new lows despite rubber producing countries’ attempt of supporting the market.
10-20-2014 08:31:27
Liaohe Petrochemical has been expanding the purchasing channels and increasing the variety of crude oil. On September 19th, Columbian crude oil was firstly adopted for processing. Its first
10-17-2014 17:43:24
Recently, according to the Products Quality Supervising Test Institute of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, based on Directives for Standardization, six enterprise standards made by King
10-17-2014 17:42:17