Chemical fiber
Methanol plants, middlemen and methanol downstream products distribute in Shandong intensively.
March 06, 2017
According data from JLC, capacity of affiliated methanol units of some CTO projects was great among those new and expanded methanol units, which operated in 2016.
February 28, 2017
Against stable development of new-type downstream, like CTO and methanol fuel, traditional methanol downstream, such as formaldehyde, DME, acetic acid and MTBE, slowed their consumption on m
February 27, 2017
China methanol import volume and output in 2016 grew by 59% and 8% YoY respectively
February 24, 2017
In 2016, about 625,000 mt/yr methanol capacity in China was out of operation and 3 million mt/yr methanol capacity was in long-term outage, which reflected that excessive and backward capaci
February 23, 2017
After the Spring Festival holiday (January 27th-Feburay 3rd), tight supply in international market pushed up methanol price. Amid opening arbitrage, batch methanol was transported from inlan
February 21, 2017
For the week ending February 16th, methanol price in East China and South China moved upward against high methanol price in international market, high futures price and great olefin demand.
February 16, 2017