PP output in Northern China was about158,200mt in the first half of February. BOPP output increased in the second half of January and the first half of February due to increasing demand befo
February 25, 2015
Driven by crude price rock and cut-down bank reserve, futures prices of plastics surged on February 6th, but were predicted to decline shortly after for lack of support from cost as well as
February 10, 2015
PP futures price will go down again as petrochemicals have stopped firming their prices, inventory purchase is ending and imported PP is increasing.
January 28, 2015
January witnesses a slight growth in raf., rapid growth in dystectic copolymer and sharp decline in eutectic copolymer. Output of both non-woven fabrics and fibers went down due to the warm
January 21, 2015
2015 will witness an obvious oversupply. According to JYD, 5,710,000mt PP is planned to be produced during 2014 and 2015, increasing by 41%, and will impose great impact to 2015 if the plan
January 05, 2015
Prices of international crude oil and propylene monomer went through a consecutive sharp fall since late November, cutting PP’s support from cost, and quotation of PP went down steeply ami
December 23, 2014
Recently, crude oil shows a sign of rebound after reaching its lowest. Domestic PP rapidly displays an upward momentum after a long-term drop.
December 23, 2014